Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Night Noodle Markets

Since the rain held off quite well last night, me and Cookiez made a sudden decision to go to the Night Noodle Markets. Fingers crossed that it wouldn't be packed with people since the sky threatened to rain every few minutes. We arrive and lucky, the place is quite empty, theres heaps of tables and the queues were all very short. We were basically very disappointed in all the foods on offer this year. So disappointed that I'm refusing to post up any photos. 3/4 of the stalls were all thai food. All offering the same things. Pad Thai, curries, fish cakes. There were the usual East Ocean, Zilver, Bungalow 8, Cargo bar etc. Their menu hasn't changed from last year, but their prices have gone up and the serving have gone down in size. Charging $8.50 for a tiny container of mussels (Which is mostly shell) anyway is a bit much considering I can have unlimited mussels if I paid twice the price. East Ocean usually sells their salt and pepper calamari for ~$7.50 at the Chinatown night markets is suddenly charging $12. They looked good and smelled oh-so-sinful, but jacking up the price like that is uncalled for.

I was originally ecstatic that the lines were so short! I was hoping I could grab a huge selection of food and enjoy them at one of the many tables. But with the woeful selection available, we only bought 2 dishes each. 1 from the Singapore Chou Kuey Teow store. It looked soooooo good when we saw someone walking away with their steaming hot plate that we just had to get one each. There was plenty of sizzling action and "Wok Hei", the initial few bites were "yummm", but that quickly turned into a "Omg...I feel so greased up...". We didn't end up finishing all the food.

The other dish we got was from Banana blossom. Thai Style Pork sausages, papaya salad and fried sticky rice. This was the only unique combo/dish available out of all the thai stalls. And boy was it good! The pork sausages had a hint of curry taste to it, not too oily and very juicy and meaty. The papaya salad was refreshing and cut through any grease from the sausage. Then there was the fried sticky rice. MmMmmm the rice didn't really have any taste, but it was the texture, the CRUNCH. The conversation went a bit like this:

Me: OooOoo fried sticky rice! *CRUNCH* MmmmMmm
Cookiez: OooOoo *CRUNCH* MMmMmm
Cookiez: *CRUNCH* MmmMMmmMMmm

I wish there was a bit more of the papaya salad dressing for the rice to absorb the flavour, but it was still orgasmic regardless. So to Banana Blossom, we salute you! The only stall bothering to make an effort in creating something other than pad thai and curries. I'm definately going to visit their restaurant and sample what else they have on offer!

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