Monday, January 29, 2007

Zna's farewell

Our Melbournian Zna Warrior Prince finally decided to leave Sydney for good and move back to Melbourne. After 2 years of whinging about how much he hates Sydney, he's finally gone. Of course, the only way to farewell Zna is with food. And since Sumalee was not open yet, we headed over to Thai Pothong. The last time we came to Thai Pothong was on my 25th Birthday where all had a near death experience. No wonder we haven't been back for so long!!

One of our favourites at Thai Pothong is their Steamed Mixed Seafood (Hor Mok Talay), which is a delicious combination of seafood in a curry sauce flambé.

Of course, I'm always immensely amused by the flames!

Burn baby burrrrrrrn!!

Green Curry Chicken (Gang Keaw Warn)

Yellow Curry Chicken (Gang Garri)

Roast Duck Salad (Pla Ped Yang)

BBQ Pork (Moo Yang)

Papaya Salad (Som Tum)

Chicken with Cashew Nuts (Gai Pad Mamoung Himmaparn)

The food was wonderful. I absolutely love the Roast Duck Salad at Thai Pothong. Probably one of the best ones in Sydney. The Chicken Cashew Nut was also gorgeous! The BBQ Pork is a bit of a disappointment when compared to the ones at Chedi. The service at Thai Pothong was also excellent, except when it comes to serving the rice. Don't get me wrong, having someone scoop rice onto your plate is great service, except when you want refills. Every time you reach for the pot of rice, a waiter will come sprinting over to grab it off you and serve you. You either get too much, or you don't get enough and you're embarrassed to ask for more. We got to the point where we had to scope out where the waiters are, and once the coast was clear, we'd grab the rice pot and try to fill our own dishes. We almost got away with it once, until the waiter spotted us at the last minute and wrestled the pot out of our hands!

The funniest would've been when the waiter was refilling Zna's dish. Zna kept asking for scoop after scoop until the waiter went all bug-eyed as to the amount on his plate. Zna cleared the whole pot of rice! hehehe

Of course, no farewell for Zna will be complete without stuffing ourselves until we were sick. So after eating half the restaurant, we all waddled over to the French Riviera.

Chocolate Crepes


I can't believe how much we ate. No, seriously, I cannot believe how much we ate! Even with the help of Zna, who eats enough for 4 adults, I still cannot believe how much we ate!! Good thing he's moved back to Melbourne, we can't eat like this on a regular basis!!!

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