Sunday, February 24, 2008

Tropfest 2008

Despite the weather, we decide to brave it and attend Tropfest 2008. I made a quick dash to the shops and raid my cupboards to see what I could whip up. Not too bad of an effort even if I do say so myself.

Dark chocolate and almond crossiants

Innards of my great work!

Our picnic spread

Semi sun-dried tomatoes, grapes and grape tomatoes

Clockwise: Blue Brie, double brie, water crackers, dutch smoked cheese, champagne ham, pepper pate, hot spanish salami, gruyere cheese and caramelized onion pita crisps.

The crowd

One of the Tropfest sponsors was eclipse mints. We ended up scoring 14 packs between just me and Gus. Alan didn't end up getting ANY mints at all. Gus also won himself a brand new beach chair and free alcohol!

We actually had a really great time at Tropfest, and the movies this year was probably the best since I've been going. I really really enjoyed it. Too bad it started raining just before the intermission so we packed up and left. I definitely will be going again next year!

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