Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Day 10 - Orchard and Chinatown

My niece took the day off school today to rest up. My brother in law also took TWO days off work to rest up after his weekend of "looking after the kids". According to him, he was exhausted. HA! Men. Anyway, he offered to take me to Orchard Rd since I haven't been for a few years. I guess the last few years I've only stopped for a day or two.

We get to Centre Point and decided to split up to do our own shopping. I immediately go nuts, but didn't buy much except for a few books for my niece.

We then head over to Takashimaya where I end up buying half the store. God I feel better now. I also walked around the food court, but since I was meeting up with my brother in law, I didn't buy anything:

Very common to buy fruit as a snack

Choose your own Yong Tau Fu stall

We walk across the road to Paragon, which is a more upper market shopping centre for lunch. Unfortunately, the Shanghainese Restaurant we wanted to go, had a line snaking around the corner. We went to the soup bowl instead:

REALLY chunky cream of mushroom soup

Chicken Caesar sandwich with salad

We kept shopping for a bit after that before calling it quits. We pick up my youngest nephew from day care on our way home. When he saw me walking through the gate, he stood there with the "Why is Aunty here?" look. Nevertheless, he's happy to have an early mark.

When I get home, I'm really not that hungry and just grab a quick bite with the rest of the family. Since the weather is holding up tonight, I hopped into a cab and went straight to the Chinatown night markets. Apparently most locals don't even know it exists?

I'm not really surprised as the stuff they sell is SO stereotypical asian. The jade charms and bracelets, silk cushion covers, Chong Sam, Sarongs etc. I didn't end up buying much and certainly didn't stay long.

The night market

Local old man chess club

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