Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Day 13 - Pampering ourselves with Indo food

We were going to go shopping today, but to be honest, my suitcase is bursting at the seams. And I haven't even packed everything into the suitcase yet. So I asked my sister to book us a facial, except we couldn't find a decent place for a facial. So we opted for a full body massage instead. Since I was going to be kneaded like bread, we went for a light breakfast:

Hot coffee in a bag

Noodles with vegetables

Chwee Kueh - Steamed rice cakes with preserved veggies

We arrive at the salon only to find that we don't have a booking. Looks like my sister called their new branch instead of the original store. We still managed to squeeze into one of their slots. The next hour was.....amusing. The woman's English wasn't that great and I didn't speak Mandarin. When I screamed out in pain, she's like "its ok......I'll use one thumb only" and then proceeded to bruise me.

She also climbed onto the massage bed and straddled me for awhile. Whilst that was uncomfortable, it wasn't nearly as uncomfortable as her whipping the sheet off my chest to give me a.....errrrrr...massage. *cough*

I walked out of there feeling like a tenderised piece of meat. I limp to the car where we go pick up my nephews and niece from school. Before we picked them up, we stopped by a really nice Chicken rice shop and got a take away pack that the both of us shared whilst in the car. It was going to be at least another 1.5hrs before lunch. We took the kids, and one of their friends to a sushi train for lunch:


Agedashi Tofu

We took all the kids to go watch Spiderwick after lunch. I actually enjoyed the movie, but my youngest nephew had his eyes covered for most of the movie! hehe

After the movie, we decided to go for dinner since my Brother in law will be staying back late at work. My sister drove to a local Indonesian restaurant where we played charades and pointed at random stuff for dinner.

Lime juice

BBQ Pepper chicken

Assam sting ray

Grilled squid

Stir fried french beans

Sambal fish

Fried potato cakes

Beef rendang

Gado Gado

Bean sprouts with tofu

Oxtail soup

The star of the night had to be the oxtail soup. I've never had such a flavoursome soup before. Its almost like the Pho soup, but with added vegetables to lighten the whole dish up. I was bursting before the soup came out, but we all ended up fighting over the soup anyway. I can't wait to learn how to make this!!


  1. Hi, I'm Indonesian. You may want to know that the oxtail soup ingredient are:
    Oxtail bone with some meat, boiled with water for the soup (the longer it is boiled with small fire once the water boiled for 4 hours it will be delicious without making the soup look too muddy).
    Red shallot or small french shallot, onion and garlic chopped or blended into soft mixture plus ginger chopped fried together with small oil in pan until yellow and smell nicely.
    Added those into soup with 3 or 5 cloves if you like more flavour (cloves like the one in tobacco).
    after 15 minutes added carrot, potatoes, salt, pepper, some sugar, nutmeg powder, cook until carrot soft.
    Added celery (small celery), spring onion chopped around 2cm length.
    just boil a little bit and then it's ready.

  2. Thank you!!!!!!! I can't wait to try this out!!! I must say, this was possibly my most favourite dish out of everything I ate when in singapore!
