Sunday, June 15, 2008

Michael Buble Concert with Naturally 7

Its been ages since the last Michael Buble concert. Last time we went, we had tickets to his outdoor concert on the Opera House steps. It was windy and raining, but we had a fantastic time! Sitting there in our ponchos, listening to Michael Buble serenading us with the Harbour Bridge and Opera House as the backdrop. It was perfect!

So when I saw the ads for the next Michael Buble concert, me and Cherry jumped at the opportunity to purchase tickets. So on the night of the concert, we decided to crash Encasa and hope we can grab a table without reservations. We did get a table for 2.....that seats 30 people! Luckily, other people sat at the two ends so we didn't look like complete nigels. The food at Encasa was fantastic as usual, and tasted even better after a jug of sangria ;)

ChampiƱones al Ajillo - Sizzling Garlic Mushrooms

This was so deliciously garlicky. The mushrooms were sauteed with loads of garlic that had caramelised and turned slightly crispy. Absolutely moreish when you dip your bread into the garlic oil or spoon some of the garlic onto the bread.

Patatas Bravas - Fried potatoes topped with salsa and aioli

Crispy fried potatoes that have been lightly salted (perfect on its own) was topped with a spicy salsa and creamy garlic mayo. I couldn't decide whether to eat the potatoes on its own, or smoosh it into the sauce to soak up all that spicy garlicky goodness.

Gambas Sevillanas - Peeled king prawns in spicy tomato salsa

Big bursty king prawns were cooked in a light spicy salsa. I was spooning the sauce onto my plate so I could enjoy every last drop of it with bread.

Pork, Chorizo and bean stew

I can't remember what this dish was called, it was the special of the day. It was a stew made from smoked pork, chorizos and big fat beans! So hearty and comforting! If only the beans were softer. I like my beans soft like baked beans, but the dish was really nice.

I don't know what I was thinking when I ordered dessert, because I was stuffed like a chicken kiev. But we had plenty of time so we both opted to get a creme caramel, EACH.

This was nice, not too sweet, but a bit too eggy for me. I actually really enjoyed the vanilla ice cream on top. I can't remember the last time I had vanilla ice cream.

We decided to slowly walk to the Entertainment Centre, which is less than 5 mins walk away. I was so full I swear I was waddling. But as we got closer, I had to try and walk like a normal person. Why? I had my DSLR shoved into the bottom of my bag and I was hoping cameras were allowed. Luckily the Entertainment Centre isn't as anal as the Superdome, so I walked right on in without problems.

We get seated and soon the concert is underway. We didn't know who the supporting act was until Naturally 7 walked onto the stage. And from the moment they opened their mouths, I was completely blown away!

They started off with an a capella which turned into a full blown song. We started debating as to whether there was any music, or was it all vocal play. It wasn't until they stopped and explain the concept of the band were we totally knocked off our feet. They were 100% vocal play. No instruments, no synthesizers, no special effects. All them. All Natural. And even then, I had my doubts. That was until they gave a one by one demo on how they layer the music! They were absolutely fantastic!

To be honest, of all the concerts I've been to in the last 5 years, I can't remember a single supporting act that I liked. Come to think of it, I barely remember seeing support acts as I usually walk out or just block them out. This time, I wanted to buy their album! I haven't stop raving about them since!

I was disappointed when they're performance ended, but then Michael Buble came out and everything was perfect. PERFECT. I can't describe what it was like watching him in concert again, but all I can say is that he is charming, witty and funny as hell! AND he could sing! Boy could he sing.

Busting some moves

He jumps off the stage to get photos taken with the audience!

Taken when the woman was in the middle of groping his butt

One of his many funny skits

The concert was PERFECT. I can't wait for the next one!

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