Friday, February 27, 2009

Red Oak

I'm certainly making use of the We Love Sydney card lately. My 3 weekly lunch catch up lunch with a friend had us meeting up at The Red Oak. We were both pressed for time that day, so the location was really what drove us to go there. That and the fact its buy 1 get 1 free ;)

We quickly scoured the menu and both settled on the Crispy Skinned Tasmanian Ocean Trout with sauteed scallops, cauliflower mash and tomato and chive dressing for $26.

I had ordered my trout medium rare and it was cooked to perfection. I wasn't so sure about the scallops though. I was expecting it to have a lovely golden crust, but it looked like it was slowly poached in oil or something. However, with that said, the scallops were also cooked to a lovely medium rare.

I rarely eat trout, so this was a lovely way to have it. I could really taste the sweet freshness of the fish. I wasn't too fond of the cauliflower mash, but I've never liked cauliflower anyway. So the fact that I ate all of it says something!

This turned out to be a fantastic lunch with our We Love Sydney offer, $13 each without alcohol!

Red Oak
201 Clarence Street, Sydney
Ph: 02 9262 3303

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