This week as been the most hectic week for me. Ontop of the crazy work schedule, and Moishii's birthday, relos dropping in, a good friend also dropped in from interstate. This basically meant its been a non-stop week of boozing, munchies and catching up. Not that I really mind since
great food + great company = enjoyment.So after my big 3am night out, I was up at 7am again to go to work on the Sunday. After a good solid few hours of work, I met up with my friends for a quick walk around circular quay and then drinks at Lenin Bar. I've been to Lenin Bar before. First time was to go to Minus 5, and the second time was a few weeks ago where we spotted
Antonia Kidman and they jumped into the photo. This time, we actually sat down for drinks.

Their cocktails are REALLY REALLY good. A bit pricey, but considering the location and the fact that Lenin Bar is a vodka bar, I don't think they were using the standard Absolut Vodka. We quickly headed off to Newtown afterwards to grab some food. Parking was atrocious as always meaning I had to go all the way back to my trusty secret parking spot. Since my friends whinge and bitch about me making them walk, instead of heading to Thai Pothong, we went to Chedi (Formerly known as "Thailand"), one of my favourite thai restaurants. Not only is there the normal seated area, they also have cushions on the floor for those who want to eat on the floor. And the owner, I love the owner. And so does my whole family. Not only is he polite and does everything he can to make your meal enjoyable, he's also Irish, but he speaks chinese! Everytime I go with my family, he has a good banter with my parents and bitches about his wife (In a joking way). I deliberately didn't tell my friends this, so when he walked over, he immediately started speaking chinese and my friend's eyes just popped out of the socket. hehehehe
Now since some of the people who came along were new to me, I decided not to whip out my camera. But their Salt and Pepper squid and Marinated BBQ Pork is highly highly recommended. I'm also going to go back to try their sizzling combination seafood as well. The table behind us ordered the dish, and the aroma quickly spread throughout the whole restaurant. At first everyone went "Oh my gosh!! That smells sooooooooo good!!!" *WHIFF*. This was quickly followed by a "OMG *COUGH* CHILLI!! *COUGH**COUGH*CHOKE* BUT IT *COUGH* SMELLS SO GOOD!! *COUGH*"
The whole restaurant basically had a coughing fit for a good 5 minutes. I ended up having to take a walk outdoors since I was sitting the closest to the sizzle platter of evil chilliness. But damn it smells good. And I'll definately order it the next time I go. I might bring an oxygen tank with me though...
So somewhere along the line, during a scorching hot day, I took my friend out to the Fish Markets. Now this time, since is just us 2, I happily whipped out the camera whenever I wanted.
My favourite seaweed salad

Seafood platter for 2

Salmon and Tuna Sashimi

Table shot: And yes, we finished all 6 bottles!

I found a baby seagull!!!
After completely stuffing ourselves, we decided to walk it off. So it was over to chinatown where we ended up in Market City with some cooling easyway to wait for the sun to go down a bit. Once the weather cooled off slightly, we headed over to the Chinese Gardens.

I haven't actually been to the Chinese Gardens for a good 4-5 years. The last time I was there, was for my brothers wedding. And the time before that, would've been around year 9-10 in High School. The entry fee has definately gone up. $6 for an adult, but it was actually worth it. We strolled around a bit, sat at a pagoda for awhile to chat and have a catch up. I loved the fact that we were in the middle of the city, but it was so relaxing and tranquil, that I felt like I was on holidays overseas.

There was a big Myers sale on that night, so after we did some shopping in Chinatown, we headed over to Pitt St Mall to tackle the crowd at Myers. 30mins later, I had a headache and I didn't want to see anymore clothes/bags/lines for the cashier. Since it was still stinking hot, we decided to head over to Cockle Bay Wharf and ended up at Home Bar for a drink. When the weather cooled down significantly, it was over to my favourite Korean Restaurant. BBQ City.

This must be the first time that I've been where I didn't order my fish egg stew. Since neither of us was really hungry, we ordered the mix BBQ meat platter for 3. Yeh...I can't explain it either. The food never disappoints and I walked away groaning about eating too much again!
After our big day out, my friend insisted that I join him and his friends for dinner again the next night. To cater for everyone, it was Chinese. We opted for Dragon Star at Market City since they had free parking after 5pm. We handed the responsibility of ordering food over to my friend who started pointing at things in the menu randomly. My worst fears came true when I saw the amount of food that came out! I had told my friend that I wasn't hungry and he should only order for 4 instead of 5 people (Knowing he will over order anyway) But I didn't expect THIS:
Steamed barramundi

Ginger and Shallot Lobster
Peking Duck
Stir Fry Duck and Snow Peas

Garlic 4 Season Beans

Crispy Skinned Chicken
The lobster was big enough to feed all of us. We barely got through 1/2 of it. The peking duck was really nice, although I prefer it when they slice it with a tad more meat attached. When you order Peking Duck, the remaining meat on the carcass is usually used to cook another dish, we opted to have it stir fried with snow peas. Somewhere along the line, my friend had also ordered a whole barrmundi (Which the waiter kindly deboned for us at the table), garlic four season beans and crispy skinned chicken that was served with pringles. All that for 5 people! Especially when I made it clear that I wasn't hungry! OMG! We actually ran outta room on the table by the time the fish came out. There was alot of reshuffling, including me emptying a whole plate into my friends bowl since he ordered the food. We ended up having half the food packed into take away containers. We tried our best, but considering the task infront of us, we knew we were never going to finish the food anyway!